...more intelligent exploration of ABMs
(Under Development)
BehaviorSearch v2.0 will include support for multi-objective optimization!
August 2017:
BehaviorSearch v1.10 is bundled with NetLogo 6.0.2
(Updated UI, thanks to An Nguyen Dang!)
March 2017:
BehaviorSearch v1.02 is now BUNDLED with NetLogo 6 (no separate download or install needed!)
Release Notes
July 28, 2015:
Released v1.01
Jan 12, 2013:
Released v1.00
Dec 31, 2012:
v0.76 (beta)
Dec 22, 2012:
v0.75 (beta)
Oct 16, 2010:
Project Hosted on Google Code
July 5, 2010:
v0.72 (beta)
Copyright © 2010-2018 by Forrest Stonedahl and Uri Wilensky.
Stonedahl, F., & Wilensky, U. (2010). BehaviorSearch [computer software]. Center for Connected Learning and Computer Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Available online: http://www. behaviorsearch.org
BehaviorSearch is being distributed under an open-source BSD-style license, available here.
The design and implementation of BehaviorSearch was one aspect of Forrest Stonedahl's doctoral thesis research, with adviser Uri Wilensky, at the Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling at Northwestern University.